Saturday, April 10, 2010


When talking about food and food ways, I always have countless ideas colliding in my mind which make me fall into a dilemma. It is really hard to pick up one or two as my primary source. Fortunately, two sources caught my eyes after sitting in front of my mac for a long time hunting for interesting materials.

1. "Are ' Kid Friendly' Foods a Defeat" By Lisa Belkin

I chose this as one of my possible primary source because it recalls my childhood. I was brought up by my grandparents till 10 years old. The most important thing to care about for the elder is their grandchildren's health, either healthy diet or healthy habits. However, what is a healthy diet?! It's not only about the counting calories, fat or portions on the nutrition facts chart. I find it's interesting because sometimes we understand some food is junk and fatty, but we cannot help eating it. I still remember when I was back form the boarding school weekly, I begged my mom " Mom, can I have instant noodles as my lunch?"....... While reading this article, I think I can do some research on food and health. How do parents compromise on frozen fast food and healthy fresh food with their children? Why do vegetarians become vegetarians? How do they fight against meat? ( because it seems impossible for me :( )

2. KFC Commercial- Fried vs. Grilled- Multicultural

I chose this commercial as another primary source because it opens many doors to me as the theme of food and multi-culture. As an international students from China, I have a mixed diet. I love traditional Chinese cuisines, and I love burgers, steak and ketchup either. When new food enters the a foreign country, it may have to make some changes to satisfy different eating habits. I think there might be some potential to talk about. How do those fast food empires challenges those countries which have never had it? What solutions do they do? Are there some reasons why some countries stick to their recipes or ingredients?

I really enjoy the sources I found, and I want to figure out the mystery behind food.
Good night~~


Yingyu Yang said...

I like both of your sources actually. But the thing I want to point out is that the second one does not focus on the different food culture in my understanding. I think it focuses on how fatastic the new grilled chicken is. At the beginning, you can see some people vote for the fried chicken, while others think grilled chicken is better. However, after these people have tasted the grilled chicken from KFC, all of them think grilled chicken is good. But that's only my understand of this commercial. It's always your choice what to focus on. Any way, both of them are pretty good!

Karen Bruce said...

Looking at your two sources, I think the second one would work better. As I've said to other people, it is possible to do analysis on a fact-based article, but it's really tough! It's much easier to do it on an advertisement, which has a clear rhetorical agenda. I like your idea to think about linking KFC's introduction of grilled chicken with the broader concerns of the culture. I think people in the US are becoming more aware of health concerns which may explain their choice to introduce it into the market at this point. It might be worth seeing if KFC in other countries has that option. I should ask my family whether they've got it now in South Africa.

Xuechen said...

Both of your sources are really interesting. In my opinion the second one may be easier to analyse and write about based on the requirements of our assignment. I really appreciate the point you focused on the second source. You brought the simply ad. to a culture concern which is very good.

xuyang said...

I also have a significant impression on the second source. We can say many details about the new grilled chicken in KFC. Especially, the two people wear black and white clothes make a big visual contrast as original chicken and grilled chicken. I enjoyed this vedio!

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