Saturday, May 15, 2010

I am a carnivore!!!

I made all my favorite food as a collage. As you see, yes! I am a "carnivore". I still remember when I was very small, I didn't like vegetables at all. In order to make me have a healthier diet, my grandpa made a deal with me: if I had amount of vegetables everyday, he would prepare one or two my favorite "meat dish". Apparently, I compromised, because I couldn't imagine my life without meat. Nowadays, as more and more people recommend healthy eating, such as being vegetarians or flexitarians, I thought and thought, and decided NO, I cannot give up meat!!! When Cain " brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord"(Genesis 4:3), Lord preferred Abel's offering of a "firstling of the flock", and this becomes my best excuse why I prefer meat.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Laba Rice Porridge

Chinese people have long followed tradition of foodways in a lot of important festivals. Like mooncake in Mid-autumn Festival, dumplings in the Spring Festival, we have laba rice porridge on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month. The date usually falls in the coldest day in winter and is a traditional Chinses festival, called Laba Festival. On that day, family gather together and have the laba rice porridge to worship god. Similarly, that day is also a reminder of approaching to Chinese New Year. Laba rice porridge contains glutinous rice, red beans, mellet, Chinese sorghum, peas, dried lotus seeds, and some other ingredients. Normally, it is also called Eight treasure porridge, because of eight kinds of ingredients roughly counted. As I know, it is the only porridge which kids are free to add sugar in it. Regarded as one of the precious memory in our childhood, laba rice porridge has a special place in Chinese people's heart. I always remember after I got up in the freezing winter, my grandmother sitting at the table preparing me a bowl of warm and yummy laba rice porridge. The house was saturated with the aroma of laba rice, so was my childhood.
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