Saturday, May 15, 2010

I am a carnivore!!!

I made all my favorite food as a collage. As you see, yes! I am a "carnivore". I still remember when I was very small, I didn't like vegetables at all. In order to make me have a healthier diet, my grandpa made a deal with me: if I had amount of vegetables everyday, he would prepare one or two my favorite "meat dish". Apparently, I compromised, because I couldn't imagine my life without meat. Nowadays, as more and more people recommend healthy eating, such as being vegetarians or flexitarians, I thought and thought, and decided NO, I cannot give up meat!!! When Cain " brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord"(Genesis 4:3), Lord preferred Abel's offering of a "firstling of the flock", and this becomes my best excuse why I prefer meat.


Xuechen said...

It sounds so interesting when you call yourself a carnivore, as well as the excuse you can not give up meat.

Yingyu Yang said...

Yiwei, you are the same type as I am! I love all kinds of meat, and I enjoy Chinese way to cood them. I remember my father once cooked a meal called Guifei Wings. I enjoyed it. And I hope oneday you could come to my home to have a taste of it. I can tell you will love it!

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